mercredi 2 septembre 2015

Look like Mad Max could have been rushed (First impression)

Because there is bugs. Nothing enough bad to crash to make me quit although. But some are at medium level. I guess that the game could have been rushed for MSG?

Anyway, here my first impression after 1 hour of playing:

Graphics are good. Good as TR. With good sound too but no sing of any good music, I guess it could be my martyr version. The gameplay is open world as we know and appear to offer a lot of fun and playing time; More than the usual 10 hours of TPS on the market.

The car control is not the same and as good as the major around like Grid but with some xp driving it, it's not that bad.

The story is interesting. I think I'm going to have a lot of fun completing it. And I'm sure it will contain a lot of surprise.

The menu and interface is all good. The presentation was cool and beautiful.

The upgrade, for Max or the car look interesting and I'm for sure going to collect a lot of scrap and so play a long time to get them all.

So not a 3A product like TR but at least a 2A so far and I'm sure it will stay 2A. Wait for the review for more info and confirmation!

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