lundi 19 octobre 2015

New 40 minutes video of Just Cause 3 from Polygon

I think we can see we'll get another nice product soon. The video show a well made and well polished game.

Pretty amazing stuff with a lot of action. For sure a lot of fun to play.

The game is due for first december and it's for sure a buy for me!

mercredi 7 octobre 2015

"But it's still Far Cry at core"

Very interesting talk from Ubisoft sort of trailer about the next FARCRY PRIMAL that just been announce.

They claim it's going to be a crafting game. We're going to make weapons that get stronger in stonger as the game advance. We're going to use bones and other primal stuff to do so.

According to their said, they claim they took their information from documents and not from reason.

And the unfortunate things is that we'll need to feed ourselves by hunting instead of hunting to survive and protect a territory like I pretend they was doing.