vendredi 31 août 2018

I think I can say that Red Dead Redemption has win over BF

This is not 100% confirm science but I think I can say that BF has lost. Because it was suppose to release about the same time and now it's delayed.

Even me would have possibly choose Red Dead because the MP of BF would for sure not work cause of the crazy cheaters of this community.

This show how a great FPS can loose against a TPS. This is very interesting: I though FPS was King of everything, you?

vendredi 10 août 2018

The new Doom, Eternal will be hot

I watched the gameplay of the Quakecon today, it will be good. Just like I expected. This is for sure going to be a blast like Doom 4 released in 2016.

It's not totally new like I expected but it appear that it contain some new stuff such as Parkour things. New death animation(when you kill a monster in the red) and new monster.

I won't post here the gameplay video because their cheats are pretty bad for me. Stay tune for my video when it will be release to all we don't know when(I guess at the end of this year or early next year).

Red Dead Redemption 2 Gameplay Video

Despite it won't have pretty and cool girls, I'm going to play this. I'm sure this is going to be good.

As a remember it's made by those who made GTA 4 and 5 and it's for sure on their engine. So it's going to be very good.

You can see the great graphics in the video and all the stuff of this big games. There is going to be another video later that show some other stuff.

The game is going to be release in October this year.

dimanche 15 juillet 2018

Commandos will be back

I played the first a lot when I was young 20 years ago. Anyone else remember?

This good site, Eurogamers, claim that the studios behind Tropico, Kalypso, is going to remake a new Commandos.

I have miss the second and the third because I was not gaming back than. I think they still very playable and good today.

If you want to have an idea of what it will look like, I suggest Shadow Tactics. A similar game with today tech.

So I can't wait to see what today tech has too offer for this game Commandos.

Tropico publisher Kalypso acquires rights to classic stealth-tactics series Commandos