Are you stuck in the mafia world like me instead of cops world? Anyway this game look damn good. For sure a good tittle of 2016.
Combat look good. Car are not modern but look fast and good anyway.
Another tittle to add in my waiting list of 2016
lundi 21 décembre 2015
lundi 19 octobre 2015
New 40 minutes video of Just Cause 3 from Polygon
I think we can see we'll get another nice product soon. The video show a well made and well polished game.
Pretty amazing stuff with a lot of action. For sure a lot of fun to play.
The game is due for first december and it's for sure a buy for me!
Pretty amazing stuff with a lot of action. For sure a lot of fun to play.
The game is due for first december and it's for sure a buy for me!
mercredi 7 octobre 2015
"But it's still Far Cry at core"
Very interesting talk from Ubisoft sort of trailer about the next FARCRY PRIMAL that just been announce.
They claim it's going to be a crafting game. We're going to make weapons that get stronger in stonger as the game advance. We're going to use bones and other primal stuff to do so.
According to their said, they claim they took their information from documents and not from reason.
And the unfortunate things is that we'll need to feed ourselves by hunting instead of hunting to survive and protect a territory like I pretend they was doing.
They claim it's going to be a crafting game. We're going to make weapons that get stronger in stonger as the game advance. We're going to use bones and other primal stuff to do so.
According to their said, they claim they took their information from documents and not from reason.
And the unfortunate things is that we'll need to feed ourselves by hunting instead of hunting to survive and protect a territory like I pretend they was doing.
vendredi 25 septembre 2015
Battlefront beta start the 8 and close the 12
Accoring to clubic.
3 maps on one different modes on each.
It will be possible to progress to level 5 and it will be ported if you buy the game.
See you on the battlefield!
3 maps on one different modes on each.
It will be possible to progress to level 5 and it will be ported if you buy the game.
See you on the battlefield!
mardi 22 septembre 2015
Nice footage of Vermintide from PCGAMER
This video show a game that can compete with the great L4D2. All this with a good pro player doing some ownage.
Can't wait to try that to tell if it's good or not as L4D2.
Can't wait to try that to tell if it's good or not as L4D2.
lundi 21 septembre 2015
Is it a sing of the apocalypse?
The cheaters EA make a lot of sense these day:
Some days ago they announce via Reddit that Battlefront won't have Battlelog. Now they announce from I don't know where that Battlefront will have dedicated servers.
I can't wait to have the explanation to this. Until than I rally on NoFrag explanation:
"Si on s'en tient à leurs baragouinages, ça voudrait dire que le multijoueur de Battlefront dépendra d'un système de matchmaking basé sur le skill (et sans liste de serveurs) mais aussi sur des serveurs dédiés. A quoi bon avoir des serveurs dédiés s'il ne sont pas listés ? Faudra-t-il utiliser la console pour s'y connecter ou espérer tomber dessus aléatoirement ?"
jeudi 10 septembre 2015
Battlefleet Gothic gameplay trailer
Unbelievable, a tactical game on my network.
It's call a rts but to me this sound more a real time tactical.
The video is nice too. Can't wait to try this in 2016.
It's call a rts but to me this sound more a real time tactical.
The video is nice too. Can't wait to try this in 2016.
lundi 7 septembre 2015
SnapMap of Doom 4 (Trailer)
Bethesda released a trailer of their new toy that is going to be release with the expected great Doom 4.
This new program or feature will give the opportunity to make map easy on a friendly user program. I'm not even sure if these map will work in mp because in the trailer they are speaking about sp maps with bots that look like the real Doom 4 games levels.
I can't wait to have more info on this. It has been presented on the last E3 but I did not read about it and now the trailer.
I'm for sure going to make some mp maps with that. I already though about one that I call TwoJumps. I'm sure this will make a lot of mappers because it's easy to use and will give much more content to the game; Finally a fps with infinite maps...
SnapMap trailer
This new program or feature will give the opportunity to make map easy on a friendly user program. I'm not even sure if these map will work in mp because in the trailer they are speaking about sp maps with bots that look like the real Doom 4 games levels.
I can't wait to have more info on this. It has been presented on the last E3 but I did not read about it and now the trailer.
I'm for sure going to make some mp maps with that. I already though about one that I call TwoJumps. I'm sure this will make a lot of mappers because it's easy to use and will give much more content to the game; Finally a fps with infinite maps...
samedi 5 septembre 2015
EA is sure of its success (BattleFront beta open to all in October)
According to Nofrag, the beta that has been announce some day ago(1st) is going to be open to all on all platforms.
Should we take this as a demo? I think yes. This is a good news. Because in my case I'll be able to see how is the nerf. And others will be able to be sure about the quality and also if they like the concept or no.
So see you early October on Hoth
Should we take this as a demo? I think yes. This is a good news. Because in my case I'll be able to see how is the nerf. And others will be able to be sure about the quality and also if they like the concept or no.
So see you early October on Hoth
jeudi 3 septembre 2015
Mad Max Review *updated*
(Screenshots taken by me that would be if Fraps would not be nagged by the master of the universe)
The reason why I do this review before I finish the game is because I realized I was nagged and I got nagged good by a Tsunamie. But anyway, I think I've seen a lot of the game and since I'm about sure the rest is the same the review should be good. I was already force to play and because there is only mens in the game, I'd for sure not play this but since they nagged it good I think I got my chance God does not force me to play anymore; So I'm writing this. And if he force me to play, I'll add stuff to this review and correct the score. Also I'm force to play controller while I'd play mouse, keyboard and controller.
It start ok with a loading that like a lot of games does not make much sense: A splash screen sound much better while loading and than when loaded directly balance in the game so there is no black screen of any kind like now. But of course this is not that bad and note absolutely needed. Than came the nice intro with the nice generic graphics; Good to watch.
Than started the story that is very interesting to me. Being in a apocalyptic desert with a car and a friend and seek for fuel and water while killing a large gang of maniac sound cool to me. Of what I've seen of the game, 3 missions, the story and the story mission would have been for sure cool.
But than come the bugs and this aspect of this gaming experience is not good for the game. There is a lot of bugs for 3 and a half hours of playing and while most are low bugs, some are high and problematic. I did not note them all but I for sure remember that some was high and I'll give an example of a medium one: I'm in a fortress and I'm taking all the stuff to complete it correctly. I need to blow up a tank or keep taking the scrap metal. I see the tooltip asking to destroy the tank. I take the scrap instead and it does not show anything when I take it like it does all the time(1). I destroy the tank and go back to the car and one scrap metal is missing while I though I found them all. In my book either it's a nag or an other bug over the first bug: first bug: The scrap metal increase gauge did not show(1).
(Screenshots taken by me that would be if Fraps would not be nagged by the master of the universe)
But the games is good anyway. Some claim it's repetitive but to that I'm going to say: Play 3 story mission than seek for the side stuff or secondary mission. If the game get boring and repetitive, which in my case would have most likely not happens, just quit doing side mission and do the main story. I cannot try this idea and be sure it would work because I'm not sure if upgrade is a must to pass the story mission but I doubt it is, at least for me. This way, if this idea work, the game cannot be repetitive and the leght of the game should be enough long with story mission. At least for the 20$ it costed me. Of course at 60$, the normal price, maybe the game could be a little expensive that way. I'm not sure if doing what I just said in this paragraph could bring 10 hours but maybe!
The secondary mission is a lot of fun to me: First discovering the world is cool and surely cool for the eyes because of its good graphics. The major fortress are hard and challenging and require some stuff to be unlocked sometimes. The minor cache are fun to do too. And the tower are always fun to destroy even after 3 hours of repeat. There is other side mission to do that are cool to but as a side note that goes with the story I do not always like their way to talk and write. Some kind of novel story that does not attract me yet maybe because of my age or level of language.
There is other reason to make side mission and it's the upgrade. And of course also the reward to complete the games entirely. The upgrade are cool. Maybe not as sophisticated as the new Batman but good. There is enough stuff into that.
(Screenshots taken by me that would be if Fraps would not be nagged by the master of the universe)
The interface and menu is cool but there is some problems. For example, where is the option to raise the stick sensitivity. They are not aware that some players are more skilled and need that to complete their skillz? There is other problem too, wonder if it's nag: Mouse sensitivity in controller sub menu and q for back instead of escape, wtf.
Good to make note before I end this that I found a Story major incoherence. I hope it would not reproduce in the rest of the story. Like I said in my other article and G+ messages, I bet this game has been rushed.
There is something else that I could have forget because I did not try. It's the ingame video montage thing. Look good when watching this. This is a cool feature with all the Youtubers around.
Expected 8 on 10. Congrats.
Cool graphics
Game last I estimated 15 to 20 hours for a player like me
Cheap price at
Graphics bugs
Rushed product so can't reach 3A like other major tittle
No pussy
Cannot toggle off auto-aim while sniping
No stick sensitivity
Can't skip intro
Fighting not perfect(sometimes impossible to block)
Music is poor like all public music
Bugs such as the stuff disapear so quick that you don't have the time to take the scrap out of your road kills is damn annoying.
Update(Spoiler maybe?):
Update 2:
I change the score for 9 and I can't tell to much why because it's a spoiler. The moral of this is complete the game before reviewing it but as a remember God force me to write review quick.
Update 3: Changed to 8 because of the bugs.
Update 4: I change it to 6 is this is going to be final score because I'm at the last story mission and the reason why I take out one point is because it's impossible to finish this game without walkthrough or guide. It's very frustrating.
The reason why I do this review before I finish the game is because I realized I was nagged and I got nagged good by a Tsunamie. But anyway, I think I've seen a lot of the game and since I'm about sure the rest is the same the review should be good. I was already force to play and because there is only mens in the game, I'd for sure not play this but since they nagged it good I think I got my chance God does not force me to play anymore; So I'm writing this. And if he force me to play, I'll add stuff to this review and correct the score. Also I'm force to play controller while I'd play mouse, keyboard and controller.
It start ok with a loading that like a lot of games does not make much sense: A splash screen sound much better while loading and than when loaded directly balance in the game so there is no black screen of any kind like now. But of course this is not that bad and note absolutely needed. Than came the nice intro with the nice generic graphics; Good to watch.
Than started the story that is very interesting to me. Being in a apocalyptic desert with a car and a friend and seek for fuel and water while killing a large gang of maniac sound cool to me. Of what I've seen of the game, 3 missions, the story and the story mission would have been for sure cool.
But than come the bugs and this aspect of this gaming experience is not good for the game. There is a lot of bugs for 3 and a half hours of playing and while most are low bugs, some are high and problematic. I did not note them all but I for sure remember that some was high and I'll give an example of a medium one: I'm in a fortress and I'm taking all the stuff to complete it correctly. I need to blow up a tank or keep taking the scrap metal. I see the tooltip asking to destroy the tank. I take the scrap instead and it does not show anything when I take it like it does all the time(1). I destroy the tank and go back to the car and one scrap metal is missing while I though I found them all. In my book either it's a nag or an other bug over the first bug: first bug: The scrap metal increase gauge did not show(1).
(Screenshots taken by me that would be if Fraps would not be nagged by the master of the universe)
But the games is good anyway. Some claim it's repetitive but to that I'm going to say: Play 3 story mission than seek for the side stuff or secondary mission. If the game get boring and repetitive, which in my case would have most likely not happens, just quit doing side mission and do the main story. I cannot try this idea and be sure it would work because I'm not sure if upgrade is a must to pass the story mission but I doubt it is, at least for me. This way, if this idea work, the game cannot be repetitive and the leght of the game should be enough long with story mission. At least for the 20$ it costed me. Of course at 60$, the normal price, maybe the game could be a little expensive that way. I'm not sure if doing what I just said in this paragraph could bring 10 hours but maybe!
The secondary mission is a lot of fun to me: First discovering the world is cool and surely cool for the eyes because of its good graphics. The major fortress are hard and challenging and require some stuff to be unlocked sometimes. The minor cache are fun to do too. And the tower are always fun to destroy even after 3 hours of repeat. There is other side mission to do that are cool to but as a side note that goes with the story I do not always like their way to talk and write. Some kind of novel story that does not attract me yet maybe because of my age or level of language.
There is other reason to make side mission and it's the upgrade. And of course also the reward to complete the games entirely. The upgrade are cool. Maybe not as sophisticated as the new Batman but good. There is enough stuff into that.
(Screenshots taken by me that would be if Fraps would not be nagged by the master of the universe)
The interface and menu is cool but there is some problems. For example, where is the option to raise the stick sensitivity. They are not aware that some players are more skilled and need that to complete their skillz? There is other problem too, wonder if it's nag: Mouse sensitivity in controller sub menu and q for back instead of escape, wtf.
Good to make note before I end this that I found a Story major incoherence. I hope it would not reproduce in the rest of the story. Like I said in my other article and G+ messages, I bet this game has been rushed.
There is something else that I could have forget because I did not try. It's the ingame video montage thing. Look good when watching this. This is a cool feature with all the Youtubers around.
Expected 8 on 10. Congrats.
Cool graphics
Game last I estimated 15 to 20 hours for a player like me
Cheap price at
Graphics bugs
Rushed product so can't reach 3A like other major tittle
No pussy
Cannot toggle off auto-aim while sniping
No stick sensitivity
Can't skip intro
Fighting not perfect(sometimes impossible to block)
Music is poor like all public music
Bugs such as the stuff disapear so quick that you don't have the time to take the scrap out of your road kills is damn annoying.
Update(Spoiler maybe?):
Update 2:
I change the score for 9 and I can't tell to much why because it's a spoiler. The moral of this is complete the game before reviewing it but as a remember God force me to write review quick.
Update 3: Changed to 8 because of the bugs.
Update 4: I change it to 6 is this is going to be final score because I'm at the last story mission and the reason why I take out one point is because it's impossible to finish this game without walkthrough or guide. It's very frustrating.
mercredi 2 septembre 2015
Look like Mad Max could have been rushed (First impression)
Because there is bugs. Nothing enough bad to crash to make me quit although. But some are at medium level. I guess that the game could have been rushed for MSG?
Anyway, here my first impression after 1 hour of playing:
Graphics are good. Good as TR. With good sound too but no sing of any good music, I guess it could be my martyr version. The gameplay is open world as we know and appear to offer a lot of fun and playing time; More than the usual 10 hours of TPS on the market.
The car control is not the same and as good as the major around like Grid but with some xp driving it, it's not that bad.
The story is interesting. I think I'm going to have a lot of fun completing it. And I'm sure it will contain a lot of surprise.
The menu and interface is all good. The presentation was cool and beautiful.
The upgrade, for Max or the car look interesting and I'm for sure going to collect a lot of scrap and so play a long time to get them all.
So not a 3A product like TR but at least a 2A so far and I'm sure it will stay 2A. Wait for the review for more info and confirmation!
samedi 29 août 2015
Demo walkthrough video of the new Hitman
The reputation is this series is a bit low with me because I've tried the last game of the series like one month ago and it was not a functional product imo. But why not giving it another chance because of the theme that bring what appear people like which is violence but legit because I don't see any problem with this game right now because I think Hitman is part of this world and it could be axé to play such a game for our members.
So the second start a little bad with a mistake on the video but I could have not understand well that you can hide weapons in box that is going to be deliver by bots? But anyway, I wish to give this game a chance for the reason stated in the first paragraph.
So about the game that is shown on the video: We can see a new type of game that appear be to kind of complex. The problem is, even with my mind, I doubt I could find all the stuff to do in a level. But with more demo walkthrough like this one I think I could get good at this. Also with xp on the game and with next game of the series I could get better in better and understand more what I can do. So I could do a nice hit.
Good to make note that it appear this game could have a large replay value, I mean, finishing the game more than 2 or 3 times for players that really like the game. This is an important point because I think that in this fierce market, people want to get the best out of their cash and game life is important.
So enjoy the demo walkthrough, a video that demonstrate the game and explain how the game work. Also enjoy the quality of the hit at the end of the video haha.
This game is due for 8 December of 2015.
So the second start a little bad with a mistake on the video but I could have not understand well that you can hide weapons in box that is going to be deliver by bots? But anyway, I wish to give this game a chance for the reason stated in the first paragraph.
So about the game that is shown on the video: We can see a new type of game that appear be to kind of complex. The problem is, even with my mind, I doubt I could find all the stuff to do in a level. But with more demo walkthrough like this one I think I could get good at this. Also with xp on the game and with next game of the series I could get better in better and understand more what I can do. So I could do a nice hit.
Good to make note that it appear this game could have a large replay value, I mean, finishing the game more than 2 or 3 times for players that really like the game. This is an important point because I think that in this fierce market, people want to get the best out of their cash and game life is important.
So enjoy the demo walkthrough, a video that demonstrate the game and explain how the game work. Also enjoy the quality of the hit at the end of the video haha.
This game is due for 8 December of 2015.
vendredi 28 août 2015
Lawbreakers gameplay trailer
I wouldn't talk about it because of the name that sound criminal but God force me to watch and I found out something good.
Nexon is on fire for sure with this cool trailer and this game. A trailer that make more sense to me than usual other. And the game shown look cool. So I'm going to try this for sure if I can and I'm going to take Cronos: Rocket ftw and rocket jump will be crazy.
Nexon is on fire for sure with this cool trailer and this game. A trailer that make more sense to me than usual other. And the game shown look cool. So I'm going to try this for sure if I can and I'm going to take Cronos: Rocket ftw and rocket jump will be crazy.
jeudi 27 août 2015
Youtube Gaming
It's released since yesterday and I got the chance to use it. It does not work perfectly on my side and I guess it's some nag; The page is not loading all the time and it take a medium time to load.
I think we got a nice competitor to twitch and even better. The first reason is because it's connected to Youtube and it have a lot of content. So on the main page, I think the content there will be better than the content on Twitch.
For the layout or the website, I like both and Youtube Gaming is kind of nice and modern.
I'd for sure use this website and network to publish my stream if someday I can. Rather be on a major site like Youtube than Twitch or else.
lundi 24 août 2015
Anti-cheaters union, let's go to clould gaming and destroy some mp cheaters for good
Of course, aimbot could still be possible with cloud gaming. But wallhack not. And wallhack is a major cheat in mp. Without that, they will go down.
Also for cloud gaming, there other good points and no bad point beside the end of torrent and piracy which I don't care at all.
Of course, the "state" cheaters will still be. And most cheaters are imo. But at least all the little lamers will be out.
Can't wait to see the kiddyhack with brute force trying to hack the cloud!
Also for cloud gaming, there other good points and no bad point beside the end of torrent and piracy which I don't care at all.
Of course, the "state" cheaters will still be. And most cheaters are imo. But at least all the little lamers will be out.
Can't wait to see the kiddyhack with brute force trying to hack the cloud!
The new Metal Solid Gear will be a blast
I was not expecting that much but at least a 8 from the videos I've seen about this game.
So because Snake smoke cigar, I'm going to play Mad Max first because both game are release at the first of September. Otherwise I'd play MSG5 first.
So don't miss the game with the best stream with the best gamer, mine and enjoy.
vendredi 14 août 2015
EA proove us something and make the same mistake as in the past
So the news is out since yesterday: The new Battlefront will have conquest said supremacy. But sight tight, the round will last 10 minutes just like in the first bf. And they changed that for like 15 or 17 minutes in the past. I guess that because they return to this they admit it was their taste that imo is defect. 10 minutes is too fast and most people were agree and it's why they changed. 17 minutes is more reasonable.
mercredi 12 août 2015
A Xbox One game trailer claim that Xbox have pass to the cloud gaming
Kind of funny that I have no seen this news nowhere. I just watched this trailer of Crackdown 3 that got my attention from Gamespot forums because they say the games will work and change according to your isp; Isp transfer speed I guess. So if you listen well in this trailer, at 1:32, it say that the game will use the cloud to compute in mp the demolish-able world that is total in this game from their said.
This is very interesting because cloud gaming could be the future and no more new console with that. As we know, it's just a device that connect the controllers, the tv, and the network and all the computing is made server side. There was a console already that tried to took the market in the past year but fail and I was guessing if the major like Microsoft could do the move; So.
This is very interesting because cloud gaming could be the future and no more new console with that. As we know, it's just a device that connect the controllers, the tv, and the network and all the computing is made server side. There was a console already that tried to took the market in the past year but fail and I was guessing if the major like Microsoft could do the move; So.
mardi 11 août 2015
Crossout GamesCom video
Is this the evolution of the only vehicular combat games I could have find in my life: Twisted Metal of PS?
So a crafting or car making game with vehicular combat.
It look good. I hope the crafting will get a lot of stuff and it appear to work well just like Besiege that was release EA on Steam.
Check this out:
So a crafting or car making game with vehicular combat.
It look good. I hope the crafting will get a lot of stuff and it appear to work well just like Besiege that was release EA on Steam.
Check this out:
vendredi 7 août 2015
I've seen Star Citizen GamesCom live presentation
Or the last 5 minutes...
I can say that the game is looking good. As a remember we talk about a space sim that will mix fps and space simulation. I'm not sure if you can buy stuff and be a Merchant like I was in Privateer 2 but according to this page and videos on it it look like it is possible to land on planet and anything maybe.
So the reason why I'm talking about this game is because I got this game in my sight for a while now and followed it a bit with even dev video but until today that I saw more of this game, I know expect that this could be a good game. I hope I won't be mistaken like I was with Elite: Dangerous.
So I'll follow more this game now and write about it and we'll need to wait in 2016 to all(the rich) play it.
I can say that the game is looking good. As a remember we talk about a space sim that will mix fps and space simulation. I'm not sure if you can buy stuff and be a Merchant like I was in Privateer 2 but according to this page and videos on it it look like it is possible to land on planet and anything maybe.
So the reason why I'm talking about this game is because I got this game in my sight for a while now and followed it a bit with even dev video but until today that I saw more of this game, I know expect that this could be a good game. I hope I won't be mistaken like I was with Elite: Dangerous.
So I'll follow more this game now and write about it and we'll need to wait in 2016 to all(the rich) play it.
5 minutes of Mirror's Edge 2
Not sure if this video come from the GamesCom but the quality is nice and we can see that the game is similar to the first but in better. We can see the same artistic style, I mean heavy contrast but now with more colour maybe and better graphics overall. The combat appear to be superior to even if I make remember that we cannot take the guns anymore. Crazy stunt and jumping just like the first. All this is a cool story of a rebel fighting evil corp, haha.
Can't wait to play that. Upon God request I'm going to follow this game and play it(if it work) even if Faith got this no suitable tattoo on the face.
Can't wait to play that. Upon God request I'm going to follow this game and play it(if it work) even if Faith got this no suitable tattoo on the face.
jeudi 6 août 2015
New video of Mad Max show 13 minutes of cool stuff
Crazy explosion and crazy body explosion at a good frame rate. This good look a good competitor to Shadow of Mordor, the major hit of 2014.
Also we can see some nice driving and car fighting. The map of the game. And some other cool stuff like the grappling tool and the balloon.
Can't miss that
See you the first of September.
Also we can see some nice driving and car fighting. The map of the game. And some other cool stuff like the grappling tool and the balloon.
Can't miss that
See you the first of September.
mercredi 5 août 2015
Dreadnought trailer
This trailer explain the different possible ship for the game.
Look like a game with good graphics but I doubt this is very complete.
It a 4 vs 4 game and space ship simulator is not totally new for me but somehow new because I did not play much space simulator in the past decade.
Look like a game with good graphics but I doubt this is very complete.
It a 4 vs 4 game and space ship simulator is not totally new for me but somehow new because I did not play much space simulator in the past decade.
mardi 4 août 2015
Look like Horizon Zero Danw and Uncharted got a little competition: GamesCom: Scalebound
The video show some great action in TPS view. We can see huge monster fighting each other and destroying stuff. This is Xbox1 exclusive.
I think we can see that PS got some competition for 2016 finally. This game is suppose to be release somewhere in 2016.
I think we can see that PS got some competition for 2016 finally. This game is suppose to be release somewhere in 2016.
GamesCom: Homefront: The revolution footage
Firs time we can see this game around. It look like a nice FPS with good graphics. We can see some nice gadget and some guns mods on the fly.
I'm not sure if this is an open world game but it look like.
Have a nice motocross ride
I'm not sure if this is an open world game but it look like.
Have a nice motocross ride
GamesCom: New video of Rise of Tomb Raider
The new video from what appear to be the Microsoft show. It show double elimination ala Splinter Cell and the video is mainly focus on stealth which let me believe that maybe we're going to have a lot more stealth than what we got in TR 2013.
The video(Quality is not so good)
The video(Quality is not so good)
jeudi 30 juillet 2015
New video presentation of TotalWar Warhammer
This game is due to somewhere in 2016 and we can now see game footage of the pre-alpha version.
It look good and it's really new for the TotalWar series. I'd prefer Sega to work on a better battle combat but all this stuff in the video look interesting. Magic and huge monster with good animation sound interesting to me. But no sing of a girl.
So normally it'd be can't wait for this and see you in mp.
It look good and it's really new for the TotalWar series. I'd prefer Sega to work on a better battle combat but all this stuff in the video look interesting. Magic and huge monster with good animation sound interesting to me. But no sing of a girl.
So normally it'd be can't wait for this and see you in mp.
mercredi 22 juillet 2015
Keyboard and Mouse coming for Xbox One?
This is a great news for my way to play. According to Clubic that found that on twitter, it could be live somehow soon.
Look like they started to not hide themselves anymore as we can see...
Look like they started to not hide themselves anymore as we can see...
The Korean make nice games
It's been a while now that from Nofrag I saw some good Korean fps games. This time we can see a teaser for the fps fp2 Iron Sight that is going to be release in beta this year. This look as good as our COD.
Check this out
The official site
Check this out
The official site
Another video of No Man's Sky with a programmer of Hello games
Sean Murray and IGN give some video info about the infinite world. Like I tough, it will be generated and this mean all the planets are different and made from the program and not the artist; Well, the artist made the program. There is also some stuff about the creature.
How No Man's Sky Infinite Universe Actually Works - IGN First
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How No Man's Sky Infinite Universe Actually Works - IGN First
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Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 footage and commentary
24:04 of it.
So Nofrag, where I found the video, is not impress but I am. They pretend there is nothings new to what we have now on the market. They could be on another mental state than me because I kinda just restarted playing hardcore.
Can't wait to play this game and I hope I will be able to play it. It schedule for Q2 next here.
Related article
- It will be an open world game
- The drone look great, just like I've imagine in my dreams ans so I mean real or will be
- Can hack with the drone, wow cool sound realistic to me
- There is safe house where crafting is possible
- Dynamic weather
- Look like it will have a stealth part that could be main and it look interesting
So Nofrag, where I found the video, is not impress but I am. They pretend there is nothings new to what we have now on the market. They could be on another mental state than me because I kinda just restarted playing hardcore.
Can't wait to play this game and I hope I will be able to play it. It schedule for Q2 next here.
Related article
New footage video of Warhammer: End Times – Vermintide's
jeudi 9 juillet 2015
New footage and little info about the new Trackmania Turbo
The video I found on Youtube from Ubisoft show some nice tracks and give some info about the game which one is quite interesting.
First, they say that the music will be sync with the performance. Or something like that. I'm not sure if performance will give better music but when you cross check points now you get new beat they say. Same for the brakes, it does something on the music.
The interesting news is the new coop mode that is a car that you can control at two players. Are we going in Pacific Rim? I wish I had a gf to try this thing out. Maybe this could be good.
Twisted metal like goes 24
This is unbelievable, it appear that we don't know when, that I'm going to have a good car fighting game on PC. Well, it look good.
From PCGAMER, this is the trailer that took my attention:
Cars look a bit weird to me but this game look like a good one. From the official website , that make a lot of sense, a about that make sense, we talk about 700km/h madness on maybe semi destructive tracks with a lot of cool weapons. They even pretend that the music will rock for once. So this is not going to be like Twisted Metal, I mean a free roam racing-war game but it sound enough interesting to me to talk about it.
We'll see later if we get a release date because no way to find a release date on the site and the forums.
From PCGAMER, this is the trailer that took my attention:
Cars look a bit weird to me but this game look like a good one. From the official website , that make a lot of sense, a about that make sense, we talk about 700km/h madness on maybe semi destructive tracks with a lot of cool weapons. They even pretend that the music will rock for once. So this is not going to be like Twisted Metal, I mean a free roam racing-war game but it sound enough interesting to me to talk about it.
We'll see later if we get a release date because no way to find a release date on the site and the forums.
mercredi 8 juillet 2015
The Predator in MKX
Not sure if it's out with a free dlc or something since a couple of days but it appear that the Youtubers can play it. I finally found a channel with the fatality and x-ray.
Here the first fatality:
Fatality two:
When he win scene:
Good stuff as we can see. This is for sure the most interesting character for me. In the video I took the stuff I just posted up there, we cannot see that much how good is that Predator but in other videos I've seen clearly how good is its spear and its knife-sword. Its shoulder gun look so good too and should be so fun to play with. There is also another thing he can trow that sound very interesting to me: Can shot and run at the same time almost. Of course the sound and laugh or the Predator if all good as we can hear.
It is unfortunate that this game don't work for me because I'd for sure go do some ownage with this Predator.
Here the first fatality:
Fatality two:
When he win scene:
Good stuff as we can see. This is for sure the most interesting character for me. In the video I took the stuff I just posted up there, we cannot see that much how good is that Predator but in other videos I've seen clearly how good is its spear and its knife-sword. Its shoulder gun look so good too and should be so fun to play with. There is also another thing he can trow that sound very interesting to me: Can shot and run at the same time almost. Of course the sound and laugh or the Predator if all good as we can hear.
It is unfortunate that this game don't work for me because I'd for sure go do some ownage with this Predator.
lundi 6 juillet 2015
So I got the chance to watch more of No man' sky. I found that video on Nofrag. 18 minutes of gameplay with what appear to be the dev.
Look like we get a jetpack. Not sure if we get that at start or we need need to craft it or buy it. The jetpack appear to have no fuel limit.
From the talk, it appear that there is a lot of ship to buy and upgrade. It is possible to upgrade weapons and like I said it is possible to craft stuff.
There is heat star on each planet. And level 5 stars(max) appear to be hard to not say supernatural skillz needed to stay on the planet if the 5 stars are on.
I think it has been said and so said again that you can be a pirate or hunt the pirate. And as a pirate it is even possible to blow up a whole station for loot. We can't see this in the video but the dev said we can do it.
I think that like we've seen in the E3 and the other video, this game look good but I wonder if it will end quick because it appear to have not much content. Maybe by the time it will be release more content will be on. Also, from now on, I'll call this kind of game Indie game because they are not as the quality of a 3A product and does not have much content. I took this term from another video. Good to say that it does not change that I'm going to play this No man' sky for sure if I have the cash by then because I'm very interested in crafting games. It look a good indie game.
Finally, I say that I don't really understand how we're going to find other players in such a large universe. As we can see in the video, there is no way to have a universe map or some kind of tools to find players. I hope they'll have the time to make some kind of way to find players and coop with them to do what it can be done in this game.
Related articles:
Look like we get a jetpack. Not sure if we get that at start or we need need to craft it or buy it. The jetpack appear to have no fuel limit.
From the talk, it appear that there is a lot of ship to buy and upgrade. It is possible to upgrade weapons and like I said it is possible to craft stuff.
There is heat star on each planet. And level 5 stars(max) appear to be hard to not say supernatural skillz needed to stay on the planet if the 5 stars are on.
I think it has been said and so said again that you can be a pirate or hunt the pirate. And as a pirate it is even possible to blow up a whole station for loot. We can't see this in the video but the dev said we can do it.
I think that like we've seen in the E3 and the other video, this game look good but I wonder if it will end quick because it appear to have not much content. Maybe by the time it will be release more content will be on. Also, from now on, I'll call this kind of game Indie game because they are not as the quality of a 3A product and does not have much content. I took this term from another video. Good to say that it does not change that I'm going to play this No man' sky for sure if I have the cash by then because I'm very interested in crafting games. It look a good indie game.
Finally, I say that I don't really understand how we're going to find other players in such a large universe. As we can see in the video, there is no way to have a universe map or some kind of tools to find players. I hope they'll have the time to make some kind of way to find players and coop with them to do what it can be done in this game.
Related articles:
lundi 29 juin 2015
Mafia 3 on its way?
Remember this great game Mafia 2 that I could not play that much. Well according to a Gamespot thread on the forums, some domain got registered for the game Mafia 3.
Here the screenshot that I don't from what program:
Time will tell us if this thread was real and good or not!
Here the screenshot that I don't from what program:
(Mafia 2 flasback)
A bit of deception on Battlefront but it could be all fine
Nofrag point me to a good article that claim they had an interview with the dev.
So the most important say that the AT-ATs will be on a track so it is impossible to control or drive it.
But it will be possible to fire its guns and use the orbital strike; Both things I've seen a video of the E3 and was looking good. It is unfortunate that this vehicle can't be control but Dice tell us will be all good for the gameplay; I guess that if the AT-ATs was controllable, the game would change so much that it would be not as good as it is meant to be and it would not be like the movie either: I guess that sometimes that AT-ATs would not even reach anything, like the generator, and it would not be good for the story gameplay and linear multiplayer fight they want to bring.
Other news is the there is no more space fight in Battlefront like it was possible the past two. I never played it anyway and while I'm interested, I don't mind much.
Last thing, it appear that I can't be in but anyway I'm not playing Alpha, beta tester does this, it appear that the game will enter in close alpha the 2 of July. You can get access from I don't know where in Origin, IGN claim.
So the most important say that the AT-ATs will be on a track so it is impossible to control or drive it.
But it will be possible to fire its guns and use the orbital strike; Both things I've seen a video of the E3 and was looking good. It is unfortunate that this vehicle can't be control but Dice tell us will be all good for the gameplay; I guess that if the AT-ATs was controllable, the game would change so much that it would be not as good as it is meant to be and it would not be like the movie either: I guess that sometimes that AT-ATs would not even reach anything, like the generator, and it would not be good for the story gameplay and linear multiplayer fight they want to bring.
Other news is the there is no more space fight in Battlefront like it was possible the past two. I never played it anyway and while I'm interested, I don't mind much.
Last thing, it appear that I can't be in but anyway I'm not playing Alpha, beta tester does this, it appear that the game will enter in close alpha the 2 of July. You can get access from I don't know where in Origin, IGN claim.
jeudi 25 juin 2015
Rise of the Tomb raider video interview with dev(game director)
This interview appear to be from last week E3 and I'm not sure why it got posted here. Anyway still good.
Brain Horton from Crystal Dynamics and two other guy from IGN give a nice interview that I'm going to resume here:
I found out that what we've seen in the E3 demo was something at very early game and not the beginnings like I though. If the last Tomb Raider was somehow open world or semi free world it appear that the new one will have level or hubs like say the GD that are 2 to 3 times bigger. And he say there is going to have a lot more stuff to do in the levels now. The game is not only going to be in Siberia, there is also the desert and other climate. He than claim that Lara is surnatural what I'm not perfectly agree with with my life development and thinking so far. So like in all Tomb Raider, we're going to have exploration, puzzle and combat and he say that the combat will be "more" now. As I have see in a video of gameplay, maybe he is talking about tank gas and alike that you can take and trow in fire near the soldier that you have just trap and everything blow. Also swimming will be in now and just like the rest can be done in the "free world" that I make you remember is more a semi one to I expect because of what we've seen in the past one. Hunting will be a big part of the game and it now not just give xp but stuff to craft things. Cool crafting in Tomb Raider. And finally there is some new stuff for better graphics and it's about lightning effect.
Rise of the Tome Raider Interview - IGN Live: E3 2015
For those who miss it: 15 minutes of gameplay
mercredi 24 juin 2015
TB report on Batman: Arkham Knight: Bad port. Mat report: bad port
Ok so there is the rumor about this new game to be a bad port. TB point that on his system, the game run correctly but he got an awesome computer with a TITAN on it. He than say that most people cannot run this game correctly.
Than we got an overview of the settings menu of the game. And when I don't really mind about Anti-aliasing options because I never use it and turn it off but I doubt this make sense for a pc release. A pc is a platform that need option so you can set the game to work well with the hardware that is very different.
But check this one out, this is were I can definitely say it's a bad port: No mouse sensitivity. What a joke. I hope the sensitivity will be set to something I like otherwise no point to play this game.
More than that, it appear that some settings like fps cap can be change in the config files of the game and not in the menu. This is not what I call a gold version.
This is not finish! The controller set of the game is made for the dualshock. lol. No Xbox controller scheme? At least not in the settings. I wonder how much trouble people have to play with an Xbox controller. The sure thing is, no way for them to figure out what button is for what unless trying it or getting it from the tutorial that I'm not even aware if it exist. Check out at 7:33 on this video to see the option menu.
Other than that it appear the game have sly problem.
Freeze like I had in Shadow of Mordor.
The rest of the video is for you, I stopped at: 16:21
TB report Youtube
Than we got an overview of the settings menu of the game. And when I don't really mind about Anti-aliasing options because I never use it and turn it off but I doubt this make sense for a pc release. A pc is a platform that need option so you can set the game to work well with the hardware that is very different.
But check this one out, this is were I can definitely say it's a bad port: No mouse sensitivity. What a joke. I hope the sensitivity will be set to something I like otherwise no point to play this game.
More than that, it appear that some settings like fps cap can be change in the config files of the game and not in the menu. This is not what I call a gold version.
This is not finish! The controller set of the game is made for the dualshock. lol. No Xbox controller scheme? At least not in the settings. I wonder how much trouble people have to play with an Xbox controller. The sure thing is, no way for them to figure out what button is for what unless trying it or getting it from the tutorial that I'm not even aware if it exist. Check out at 7:33 on this video to see the option menu.
Other than that it appear the game have sly problem.
Freeze like I had in Shadow of Mordor.
The rest of the video is for you, I stopped at: 16:21
TB report Youtube
Breaking news
Look like the new Batman is out of the shelves on Steam.
Here the official message:
See related blog post for more of the scandal info
Here the official message:
Dear Batman: Arkham Knight PC owners,
We want to apologize to those of you who are experiencing performance issues with Batman: Arkham Knight on PC. We take these issues very seriously and have therefore decided to suspend future game sales of the PC version while we work to address these issues to satisfy our quality standards. We greatly value our customers and know that while there are a significant amount of players who are enjoying the game on PC, we want to do whatever we can to make the experience better for PC players overall.
Thank you to those players who have already given valuable feedback. We are continuously monitoring all threads posted in the Official Batman: Arkham Knight Community and Steam forums, as well as any issues logged with our Customer Support ( If you purchased your copy of the game and are not satisfied with your experience, then we ask for your patience while these issues are resolved. If desired, you can request a refund at (Steam refund policies can be found here: or the retail location where you purchased the game.
The Batman: Arkham fans have continually supported the franchise to its current height of success, and we want to thank you for your patience as we work to deliver an updated version of Batman: Arkham Knight on PC so you can all enjoy the final chapter of the Batman: Arkham series as it was meant to be played.
See related blog post for more of the scandal info
15 minutes video of the new Tomb Raider
If you have follow the news of Gaming News 24 last week, you could have read some lines about a video I've seen of the game presentation at E3 that consist in somehow a real cgi of the beginnings of the game. Now we can see a video of the gameplay just after that presentation. Video found on PCGAMER.
Good point to note about these videos and the new Tomb Raider that Lara is not as hot she was but still hot. And no it's not aging. Than we can see that the game is something like the past one with new stuff and modification. And of course a new story and new levels. I doubt this will please everybody but in my case it's all fine. The last Tomb Raider was so good that I'm sure the same technologies can be use to make another one with new stuff and story. But we could have a little problems with the price and content of the game: We'll see if the customer will complaint about that or not.
Good point to note about these videos and the new Tomb Raider that Lara is not as hot she was but still hot. And no it's not aging. Than we can see that the game is something like the past one with new stuff and modification. And of course a new story and new levels. I doubt this will please everybody but in my case it's all fine. The last Tomb Raider was so good that I'm sure the same technologies can be use to make another one with new stuff and story. But we could have a little problems with the price and content of the game: We'll see if the customer will complaint about that or not.
mardi 23 juin 2015
Batman: Arkham Knight bad port
(Mostly negative)
While the rumours around pretend that this release on pc is a bad port because of the poor performance, the world is out of engineer that can tell us what is difference between PS4, XB1 and PC. So if I understand well as I think about it, they did the game 3 times so each platform got a release. Yea right, I think we can clearly talk about sabotage of the PC version for reason that must be market share in the console market.
Here a good video about the scandal
And here a hack for the games file so it possible to get more 30 frames per seconds:
"To do that, open your Arkham Knight install directory, and navigate to, "\BmGame\Config\BmSystemSettings.ini”.
In the config file, search for "Max_FPS=30", and change it to "Max_FPS=9999"."
mercredi 17 juin 2015
Good half-gameplay Trailer from Ubisoft Paris: Tom Clancy's Ghost Recon Wildland E3
Want to join my side and fight the bs drugs in a free world with third view and good graphics.
Here a good trailer with semi-gameplay footage. It also contain a montage with an intro of the story of the game. The graphics are similar to GTA and there is cars and I guess a lot of vehicle to use. The video does not tell us a lot about the game so no more information.
Release date: TBA
Platform: PC XB1 PS4
Genre: TPS
Studios: Ubisoft Paris
Official site:
Rising Storm will be back with a Vietnam theme E3
Rising Storm 2. The trailer is not that good and it does not contain gameplay but the music is good and the sequel to the somehow realistic and good gameplay of the first Rising Storm should be good. This is if the graphics are dated because with other games that have great graphics like Killing Floor, I'm not going to play it if the graphics are not good enough.
And and anyway, I doubt it will work for me.
I guess it's for PC only and there is no information almost for me for now.
CCR Trailer
Sniper: Ghost Warrior 3 gameplay video with dev commentary show
(Official website capture)
They, the devs, pretend this is a sniper simulation. I have not play the two first games to see if it's one or not but looking at the video in question, I doubt a simulation is about killing more than one or two guy an hour; And in the video, it appear that we need to kill a ton.
They also talk about a system that will change according to what you do: If you kill that guard this way, the mission goes this way and many way are possible.
We can see modern drone in the video, nice tool for a sniper...
I'm for sure going to play this if I can. I think we can expect a good product.
Oops, I forgot to post the video link, sorry.
Release date: Q2 2016, source IGN
Platform: PC, Xbox One and PS4
Studios: CI games
Genre: FPS
Official site:
At least we get one of the nice product that was first for PS4, No man's sky. And also the trailer.
I'm not saying this game will be a total success but survival game interest me a lot and this sound a little like a survival game. Article about it I've posted 2 days ago
So it's now confirm for PC by PCGAMER. And it come with a nice trailer that is short but it show other stuff that this video have show.
The game is suppose to be release this year the Wiki said.
Just cause 3, 11 minutes of gameplay with dev comment E3
The video show and explain more how it work. I can say that it will be a like a arcade mini-gta. With more physic or a lot of the gameplay that emphasis physic. You can even fly as much as you want with some sort of wing as long as you use well the very strong grapple. The very strong grapple that can be use to destroy a lot of stuff in town. Than you got the vehicle that goes from car to tank and jet fighter. I'm not sure if the bridge part with the chopper in the video is gameplay but I guess they pretend it will.
The explosion and arcade physic look good and I can't wait to see if the car driving will be fun. So this is for sure a game I'm looking for now and it will be release the first december.
Video found at PCGAMER
mardi 16 juin 2015
Gameplay Video for Deus Ex E3
The trailer was good but we had no gameplay or we had something similar to gameplay but it was not like I expected. So I did not even post the news about it.
This is make by the Studio of Montréal. I just found them out like months ago. So this mean for sure a buy and finish unless it's a total crap.
We can see good gadgets in the videos. We can see good gunfight in FPS. There is breaktime. The graphics look good in 720p but I think not as good as the other major title like Uncharted 4.
I did not play the past game of the series because I when I tried it, the game was too old. And when the games was release I had no computer.
Release date: Unknown
Studios: Eidos Montréal
Official site:
Here the IGN video found on nofrag, skip for 1:17
1st december for Just Cause 3
IGN and the hot Naomi just give us this news. Look like this game that look real good will hit us this winter.
See this post for the stuff I've write about it and the gameplay trailer link.
See this post for the stuff I've write about it and the gameplay trailer link.
Anno 2205 Minor Gameplay Trailer E3
I'm a bit late on this one too. I though the gameplay trailer was not worth the watch because it contain not much gameplay but some real nice CGI that could be worth the time.
I've play the first Anno like 2 years ago and this was looking a good RTS. But unfortunately, it did not work for me. This is not the typical RTS.
So for the RTS fan, here the Gameplay Trailer
Release date: 3 November, source: Wikipedia
Warhammer: End Times Vermintide gameplay trailer E3
I'm a bit late on this one, I've forget it.
This is a FPS with mainly melee as gameplay. There is guns but not much I think. With the theme Warhammer and rats that you need to cut in pieces.
For sure another game I'm willing to play and finish if it make sense.
Gameplay Trailer
Release date: Q3 2015, source: Steam
Sniper Elite maker are on a wierd tank game now: Battlezone
The trailer is worth to watch, a special tank game. I guess that from the creator of Sniper Elite, the game should be good. Explosion look worth.
Read more at pc gamer:
Official website
Read more at pc gamer:
Official website
Faith won't kill anymore
It appear from two website source, Polygon and Nofrag, that Faith the hero or main character of the new Mirror Edge Catalyst, will no more kill with guns nor with melee. So it's not going to be possible to take guns of the evil anymore.
Sound a bad news to me but maybe it could be a good news for Mandkind who know. One of the thing that was fun in the first Mirror Edge was to take the weapons of the evil and KILL the evil with it.
Edit: Pcgamer a third source:
Sound a bad news to me but maybe it could be a good news for Mandkind who know. One of the thing that was fun in the first Mirror Edge was to take the weapons of the evil and KILL the evil with it.
Edit: Pcgamer a third source:
More Black Ops 3 sniping gameplay from the very good Ali-A(And more updated)
As we can see here, we got someone better than me at sniping in cod. I can do good(Good but not as fast as Alia-A) if the ads speed is good but it's not the case in cod. I can also use this technique that he use in the video but I doubt I can do as good as him.
Not sure where he got the game from, I think it's the new EA of PS.
He is sniping with the only sniping riffle available, the Locus. This weapons is great as we can see.
Update: This video from Dift0r is even better. You can see other guns than sniper riffle:
Not sure where he got the game from, I think it's the new EA of PS.
He is sniping with the only sniping riffle available, the Locus. This weapons is great as we can see.
Update: This video from Dift0r is even better. You can see other guns than sniper riffle:
Hitman half gameplay trailer
Since Hitman exist I'm about sure, for social equity, I think we need to make games for them. So I'm going to talk about this game even if it could be associated with crimes.
The trailer show something like gameplay but not it. Judge yourself, it's an interesting trailer anyway.
The trailer show something like gameplay but not it. Judge yourself, it's an interesting trailer anyway.
Just Cause 3 look crazy(Gameplay trailer E3)
The two was so so or I did not get a good version. But even with its problem, it could have be a good game for some.
It's a TPS and the 3 will be free world. When I look at Farcry 4 and other free world games I think they could be right to choose the non linear gameplay type to free world.
More than that, the world appear to be destructible a lot. And looking at the video, it look crazy and very interesting. I've said couple of days ago that destructible world was useless but I guess I was wrong when I look at this video. I keep saying that in BF4, the destructible world is not that much useful. Look like that in the future, they could use it like Square Enix is going to use it in Just Cause 3.
The game appear to come with very interesting mission and a lot of stuff guns and gadget. There is a mp too that sound interesting to me.
It's a TPS and the 3 will be free world. When I look at Farcry 4 and other free world games I think they could be right to choose the non linear gameplay type to free world.
More than that, the world appear to be destructible a lot. And looking at the video, it look crazy and very interesting. I've said couple of days ago that destructible world was useless but I guess I was wrong when I look at this video. I keep saying that in BF4, the destructible world is not that much useful. Look like that in the future, they could use it like Square Enix is going to use it in Just Cause 3.
The game appear to come with very interesting mission and a lot of stuff guns and gadget. There is a mp too that sound interesting to me.
Battlefront in detail(E3 demo details) from Matimi0
From the video that Youtuber just posted
No more info, I'm not sure if the E3 will show some more so I can give it here. I think it look like we're going to wait some more month to find out more about this game.
- No class like in bf, instead it appear that you have a lot of gadgets that you can customize and select before each games
- Gadgets reload slowly and the cool down indicator is in the right bottom
- Nice cgi transit when you win
- Couple of different guns and the scope of one is full view: no black zone almost
- TPS or FPS view
- Can do damage on amored vehicle with primary guns(lasers)
- The big walker got 3 weapons. Two are laser and it appear that the difference is the rate of fire and the last weapon is Orbital strike
- The big walker can take down by speeder and wire at some point, so the good death animation of the big walker that I have talk about in another post is maybe a bit scripted finally
- Pickups, Orbital strike is one
- Of course no reload for laser but overheating with indicator on the crossair
- -Bubble Shield
- -Jetpack
- -Grenade launcher
No more info, I'm not sure if the E3 will show some more so I can give it here. I think it look like we're going to wait some more month to find out more about this game.
An other video of the For Honor made by Ubisoft Montreal
The devs make a little 5 minutes video with more info. It is good to note that it is stamped pre-alpha on the video.
Worth the watch. We can see some more death animation and stuff like go down quick on ladder. A guy that make a lot of shout falling down a ledge. All this show us a possible 3A product. So for sure a buy for me.
Again, I just hope the control will be great and competitive. No talk about that so far of what I have of the talk of this game.
Worth the watch. We can see some more death animation and stuff like go down quick on ladder. A guy that make a lot of shout falling down a ledge. All this show us a possible 3A product. So for sure a buy for me.
Again, I just hope the control will be great and competitive. No talk about that so far of what I have of the talk of this game.
Late, Doom 4 at E3
The gameplay videos was release first but I forgot to post about it.
Look like a good shooter again. I can't see much because of my laptop. Look a bit repetitive or maybe I'm getting use to always the same FPS: The animation to kill the agonizing monster is always the same and 3 or 4 each monster would sound greater to me. We can see edge climbing and some kind of suit for jumping from high ground without damage. Guns are typical but I'm not sure what they could be in term of new stuff. Also there is a timebreak for choosing guns which is cool but it appear that people don't know or forget to bind the gun key like I do. I even can't do it sometimes lol. Enemy and wave look cool to beat and again there is large boss. I saw some good death animation for the monster with jetpack, very cool.
Here the video in 720p that is suppose to be HD but is not imo. Maybe you can find better in Youtube on your side!
I found out a good video that show much more and do an analyze of the gameplay shown at the E3.
It appear that the game won't be repetitive after all, there is tons of death animation. Gamesradar have a good article with gif for a lot of death animation.
Look like a good shooter again. I can't see much because of my laptop. Look a bit repetitive or maybe I'm getting use to always the same FPS: The animation to kill the agonizing monster is always the same and 3 or 4 each monster would sound greater to me. We can see edge climbing and some kind of suit for jumping from high ground without damage. Guns are typical but I'm not sure what they could be in term of new stuff. Also there is a timebreak for choosing guns which is cool but it appear that people don't know or forget to bind the gun key like I do. I even can't do it sometimes lol. Enemy and wave look cool to beat and again there is large boss. I saw some good death animation for the monster with jetpack, very cool.
Here the video in 720p that is suppose to be HD but is not imo. Maybe you can find better in Youtube on your side!
I found out a good video that show much more and do an analyze of the gameplay shown at the E3.
It appear that the game won't be repetitive after all, there is tons of death animation. Gamesradar have a good article with gif for a lot of death animation.
I forgot the say that all this stuff come from E3 almost
I did not say it because I though everybody was aware. So I say it now. All the post I did was from it.
And since we here, I think I can say this is a nice event. The nogirls event but...
And since we here, I think I can say this is a nice event. The nogirls event but...
Another nice video for Project Morpheus
It show a FPS game(RIGS) with Titan only in a competitive arena. I mean somehow a future sport with sport commentator and everything. For sure another good FPS if it's really a 3A product.
Look like we're all going Virtual Reality.
Look like we're all going Virtual Reality.
Warzone, new mode of Halo 5
From a nice video, everything is explain. They talk about some kind of bf halo with machine that make the vehicle spawn somehow like Tribes 2, objective like in UT3 and a lot of bots like Titanfall. But there is more, there is the boss AI that can be fight. And you can progress level in each battle to get new guns. Of course the maps are big, 4 times bigger than any Halo map so far.
All this in Halo world and Halo gameplay. I'm not sure if the graphics are going to be a lot better than the past one. Judge for yourself:
An other great game I'm going to miss a lot...
All this in Halo world and Halo gameplay. I'm not sure if the graphics are going to be a lot better than the past one. Judge for yourself:
An other great game I'm going to miss a lot...
lundi 15 juin 2015
More Battlefront gameplay!
Here the survival mode, not sure what it is. A wave thing?
Uncharted 4 A Thief's End gameplay (amazing)
It's true that I did not play nor watch the other Uncharted. I just played like 5 minutes, on ps3 I think, and I said back there that it was the best graphics I've ever seen. So I can't say if this Uncharted is far superior to the last one.
Anyway, just by looking at the video and the graphics quality and size of the world when in the jeep, I can say this is pretty amazing. Especially for 720p quality.
The gun fight was looking very good too. And the player was not boting too.
So this is another great tittle that I'm going to miss a lot.
Anyway, just by looking at the video and the graphics quality and size of the world when in the jeep, I can say this is pretty amazing. Especially for 720p quality.
The gun fight was looking very good too. And the player was not boting too.
So this is another great tittle that I'm going to miss a lot.
And now the new COD SP
Look good and just normal. For sure going to be fun to be play but like Ghost and AW it's not going to work I guess.
Xcom 2 gameplay video with IGN commentary first. Long video.
Xcom one was good but I'm not even sure why I've quit. I think the game was not enough good for me. But it has for sure good potential. It is fixed now?
So here a video of the two. I left the video when the guy was killing an entire army with two solider almost. Like if I'm going to watch someone playing like this like if he did the mission 100 times to be that good.
So here a video of the two. I left the video when the guy was killing an entire army with two solider almost. Like if I'm going to watch someone playing like this like if he did the mission 100 times to be that good.
Call of Duty gamplay trailer MP
Not my style of music but the gameplay trailer is interesting. I can see wallrunning and under water gunning.
I wonder if the guy on gamespot forum was not right finally, I don't think they bring much new stuff. Anyway, I'm sure that I'd play some if it would work AND IF I could play with friends.
I wonder if the guy on gamespot forum was not right finally, I don't think they bring much new stuff. Anyway, I'm sure that I'd play some if it would work AND IF I could play with friends.
Call of duty in Japan?
I'm not sure where Tmartn is living these day but he got a good video of the show of call of duty that I did not watch or find yet and it say that Call of Duty beta will be on Play Station if you pre-order the game.
So they quit Microsoft, this is funny.
So they quit Microsoft, this is funny.
Horizon Zero Dawn Gameplay trailer PS4
You got to watch this. I wonder if this could beat Shadow of Mordor. Hunting T-Rex like with a bow, lol.
My laptop is hacked so I can't watch in 1080. I have only 720 and the graphics look very good. The effect when killing the T-Rex like is great. Also I think I've seen fast stealth like in Shadow of Modor.
This is for sure another great TPS I'm going to miss. It goes on the list with Uncharted and The order 1886 .
Skip to 2:24 for skipping intro and go for gameplay.
My laptop is hacked so I can't watch in 1080. I have only 720 and the graphics look very good. The effect when killing the T-Rex like is great. Also I think I've seen fast stealth like in Shadow of Modor.
This is for sure another great TPS I'm going to miss. It goes on the list with Uncharted and The order 1886 .
Skip to 2:24 for skipping intro and go for gameplay.
Firewatch, gameplay video
Been a little while I heard about this and it was not looking that good but now with this video, I'll for sure get this game.
Graphics look real nice in a way of TF2 somehow, in better.
This is a new kind of FPS for me imo and this is interesting.
Also, the story gameplay trailer is interesting(The story look interesting):
Graphics look real nice in a way of TF2 somehow, in better.
This is a new kind of FPS for me imo and this is interesting.
Also, the story gameplay trailer is interesting(The story look interesting):
No man's sky for PS4 gameplay video
Look like another nice product for the PS network that I'm not going to have.
They pretend that the free world is infinite in size. It can be explore with a space ship. I guess that they have made a functional planet generator. Also, from his said, you can do space battle and join clan and also trade by possibly gathering stuff from planets. Planets that are defended by good look robots sometimes. I'm not sure if we can this is a survival game but the sure thing is there is no crafting of what I've seen.
Anyway the idea is pretty nice to me and I wish I could play that.
I forgot to say the graphics are kind of interesting, see it for yourself:
They pretend that the free world is infinite in size. It can be explore with a space ship. I guess that they have made a functional planet generator. Also, from his said, you can do space battle and join clan and also trade by possibly gathering stuff from planets. Planets that are defended by good look robots sometimes. I'm not sure if we can this is a survival game but the sure thing is there is no crafting of what I've seen.
Anyway the idea is pretty nice to me and I wish I could play that.
I forgot to say the graphics are kind of interesting, see it for yourself:
Just Dance 2016 gameplay video
Not sure if this is from the E3, I just got that from Ubisoft channel on Youtube.
I don't want to piss off God or even the Devil because he ask me to be a général militaire but I'd for sure get that if I had a normal life.
So cool to me. With gfs, amazing. This remember me the Chrimass party and my cousine with her. So cool.
The game look very nice but of course the topgun music is hold to the greatest.
I don't want to piss off God or even the Devil because he ask me to be a général militaire but I'd for sure get that if I had a normal life.
So cool to me. With gfs, amazing. This remember me the Chrimass party and my cousine with her. So cool.
The game look very nice but of course the topgun music is hold to the greatest.
Trackmania Turbo, lol Gameplay Trailer
I though Trackmania was enough crazy but it appear that it's going to be even more. Now we're drop from chopper at the beginnings lol. And the rest of the stuff look damn crazy.
About the video, I doubt this is fully gameplay but some appear and I guess it mean that the game should be like this.
I always liked Trackmania cyber-racing games. I have play Nation a lot and the two was so better with the graphics but unfortunately, both games did not work very well. Do you think Turbo will work for me so I can show the madness, stay tune lol.
Btw so nice CGI video.
About the video, I doubt this is fully gameplay but some appear and I guess it mean that the game should be like this.
I always liked Trackmania cyber-racing games. I have play Nation a lot and the two was so better with the graphics but unfortunately, both games did not work very well. Do you think Turbo will work for me so I can show the madness, stay tune lol.
Btw so nice CGI video.
The new King Quest (Gameplay) trailer
I'm looking at this video and I don't understand if it's a point and click like it was or not. So it's why I have place gameplay in (). Anyway, just the theme sound interesting to me and this must be because I feel some kind of nostalgia for King Quest 6 that I have somehow enjoy.
Of course King Quest 6 to me is a game that need to be play with a walkthrough or with a hint that can lead to solution or walkthrough. I'm not sure of this because I wonder if I could beat it now that I'm very wake up. But I have my doubt that I could beat King Quest 6 so I wonder who could?
So the graphics look nice but odd. I think I'm going to try that if I have the cash and I probably going to watch futher more the Youtubers playing it to find out if this could be a buy or not.
Coming later this year, source Wikipedia.
Of course King Quest 6 to me is a game that need to be play with a walkthrough or with a hint that can lead to solution or walkthrough. I'm not sure of this because I wonder if I could beat it now that I'm very wake up. But I have my doubt that I could beat King Quest 6 so I wonder who could?
So the graphics look nice but odd. I think I'm going to try that if I have the cash and I probably going to watch futher more the Youtubers playing it to find out if this could be a buy or not.
Coming later this year, source Wikipedia.
For Honor gameplay
The cgi trailer of today was hot stuff. And now I have the chance to see the gameplay and it's even hotter.
Something like Chivalry in TPS with a lot of cool bots. I'm not sure if the control will work as good as Chivalry but if it does, this game is about sure better than Chivalry even if it's a TPS. The move look great and I'm sure that if the control is as good as what I've seen, this game will rock.
Great graphics, great combat, a lot of gore and fatal animation. And a lot of cool bots to whipe out easy with hero playable.
Can't wait to play this game. Coming 2016, source Wikipedia.
Here the video:
CGI trailer
Something like Chivalry in TPS with a lot of cool bots. I'm not sure if the control will work as good as Chivalry but if it does, this game is about sure better than Chivalry even if it's a TPS. The move look great and I'm sure that if the control is as good as what I've seen, this game will rock.
Great graphics, great combat, a lot of gore and fatal animation. And a lot of cool bots to whipe out easy with hero playable.
Can't wait to play this game. Coming 2016, source Wikipedia.
Here the video:
CGI trailer
Et merde pourquoi pas du Gameplay de Shadow Warrior 2 tant qu'on y est
J'ai eu la chance de voir une vidéo de cinq minutes de la suite de ce fameux Shadow Warrior que j'ai bien aimer et pas eu la chance de finir mais que j'aurais bien fini et avec éffort. La vidéo en question, je l'ai trouver sur
Alors je peux vous dire que c'est le un en mieux. Avec beaucoup de nouvelles affaires. Premièrement le coop qui va être ultra cool avec les amies. Ensuite nous avons du wall climbing ala Titanfall et un il est possible de sauter comme un malade de toit en toit. Il semblerais que nous avons affaire à la même catégorie artistique. Évidement, nouveaux monstres et nouveaux flingue qui ont l'air d'être très hot. En plus il va y avoir hit numbers mais je sais pas trop si nous allons avoir le manuel avec hit require :).
Il y a même des monstre qui mutent en plus gros! Alors on se voit encore une fois en 2016 et vous vous avez Nofrag pour le vidéo ou bien la vidéo officiel dans une semaine.
Alors je peux vous dire que c'est le un en mieux. Avec beaucoup de nouvelles affaires. Premièrement le coop qui va être ultra cool avec les amies. Ensuite nous avons du wall climbing ala Titanfall et un il est possible de sauter comme un malade de toit en toit. Il semblerais que nous avons affaire à la même catégorie artistique. Évidement, nouveaux monstres et nouveaux flingue qui ont l'air d'être très hot. En plus il va y avoir hit numbers mais je sais pas trop si nous allons avoir le manuel avec hit require :).
Il y a même des monstre qui mutent en plus gros! Alors on se voit encore une fois en 2016 et vous vous avez Nofrag pour le vidéo ou bien la vidéo officiel dans une semaine.
Enfin du gameplay for Mirror Edge 2
Et encore une fois plus nous avons la même catégorie artistique. Le tout blanc pas loin. En fait de ce que nous pouvons voir, peut être que ce ne sera pas tout blanc mais pas mâle de blanc. Mirror Edge dans un nombre libre me semble être une très bonne idée. Je pense même que l'histoire se ressemble beaucoup. Malheureusement nous voyons pas de combat et la vidéo n'est pas long. En outre, nous ne voyons pas et nous ne savons pas si Faith aura plus de gros flingues.
Alors on se voit l'année prochaine sur ce jeux, en attendant la vidéo en question:
Alors on se voit l'année prochaine sur ce jeux, en attendant la vidéo en question:
Du gameplay de Star Wars Battlefront
Par contre c'est un montage mais il est très bon ce montage. J'aurais bien aimer voir du vraie multi-joueurs. Je sais pas trop si ce sont des extrait du solo. Ça donne quand même une très bonne idée de ce que ça va être, c'est à dire très bien. Je crois bien que j'avais raison de dire que ça roulerait sur Frostbite et que ça ressemblerais pas mâle à BF4. Donc Battlefied Starwars en quelque sorte mais avec des sabre laser et la force en plus et peut être bien plus encore.
On peut voir à peu prêt tout ce qui se voit dans le film Star Wars Empire strike back au début. Donc gros walker et petit attaquer de plusieurs façon et même se faire détruirent avec de très belles animations. Sans compter les beaux combat d'infantrie et les combat de X-Wing and Tie fighter. Et ça fini en beauté avec un beau massacre de Luke et un début de combat entre Luke et Vador. Vraiment ça va être en hot.
C'est sûr que si ça fonctionnerais je passerais à ça cet hiver. Mais de toute façon je crois bien que papa me forcera à jouer à ce jeux.
On peut voir à peu prêt tout ce qui se voit dans le film Star Wars Empire strike back au début. Donc gros walker et petit attaquer de plusieurs façon et même se faire détruirent avec de très belles animations. Sans compter les beaux combat d'infantrie et les combat de X-Wing and Tie fighter. Et ça fini en beauté avec un beau massacre de Luke et un début de combat entre Luke et Vador. Vraiment ça va être en hot.
C'est sûr que si ça fonctionnerais je passerais à ça cet hiver. Mais de toute façon je crois bien que papa me forcera à jouer à ce jeux.
Microsoft conference at nogirls, I mean E3
What a nice show anyway. I can't believe how this stage was nice with the light and all place to do speech.
So there was a lot of games that I did not like at all but some was interesting.
First Tomb Raider look good again. I've seen like 5 minutes of good gameplay; Climbing on icy hills with the same tools to climb like the in the past Tomb Raider. Graphics look damn good but not really better than the past one. Look like the Tombs will be fun to hit again but we did not see almost anything about it.
Halo 5 was looking good too. I've seen the mp in the beta phase and it was looking cool as the last one I've played on 360 tree years ago.
Gears Of Wars 4 was there too with some nice gameplay. This look like another good game to play soon in august. The mp beta is now live and was launched at the Microsoft conference.
A new space survival game from the creator of Dayz has been announce with a trailer that did not contain any gameplay but anyway just the idea sound good enough to me.
There is also the new Tom Clancy The division that is coming for 2016 and was announce by a French guy from Ubisoft.
Fallout 4 was looking so cool too. Same theme as the 3 but now with fps action for combat and some of the 3 aspect of fight mix with fps. With great graphics compare to the 3.
A new controller call elite could be cool for some drivers.
The last interesting thing I can remember was the Hololens with Minecraft. This look a cool gadget but I doubt I'll use that for now. But could be interesting in the future with more stuff. Like for example explaining in 3D the plan of csgo.
I can't find the video of the conference in Youtube but it is suppose to be there according to the stream in Twitch.
So there was a lot of games that I did not like at all but some was interesting.
First Tomb Raider look good again. I've seen like 5 minutes of good gameplay; Climbing on icy hills with the same tools to climb like the in the past Tomb Raider. Graphics look damn good but not really better than the past one. Look like the Tombs will be fun to hit again but we did not see almost anything about it.
Halo 5 was looking good too. I've seen the mp in the beta phase and it was looking cool as the last one I've played on 360 tree years ago.
Gears Of Wars 4 was there too with some nice gameplay. This look like another good game to play soon in august. The mp beta is now live and was launched at the Microsoft conference.
A new space survival game from the creator of Dayz has been announce with a trailer that did not contain any gameplay but anyway just the idea sound good enough to me.
There is also the new Tom Clancy The division that is coming for 2016 and was announce by a French guy from Ubisoft.
Fallout 4 was looking so cool too. Same theme as the 3 but now with fps action for combat and some of the 3 aspect of fight mix with fps. With great graphics compare to the 3.
A new controller call elite could be cool for some drivers.
The last interesting thing I can remember was the Hololens with Minecraft. This look a cool gadget but I doubt I'll use that for now. But could be interesting in the future with more stuff. Like for example explaining in 3D the plan of csgo.
I can't find the video of the conference in Youtube but it is suppose to be there according to the stream in Twitch.
New Mad Max trailer
With ACDC music. As we can see, this post-apocalyptic games sound a nice theme with the recent breaking news.
We can see some gameplay that is coming for september. The first trailer was showing good TPS fight that was for sure something good as Mordor if not better.
So he's going to search for his girls that got stole at the beginnings. Sound that history repeat again, Hells bells.
We can see some gameplay that is coming for september. The first trailer was showing good TPS fight that was for sure something good as Mordor if not better.
So he's going to search for his girls that got stole at the beginnings. Sound that history repeat again, Hells bells.
vendredi 12 juin 2015
Youtube to make a Twitch like this summer
It's what I though, let's play are popular and could become even more when everybody will be aware that without Xbox you still kind of play. To not count that sometimes I prefer to watch girls playing than play myself. I doubt I'm the only one in this situation. Like I though too that Twitch was better than Youtube for streaming games.
So according the BBC, Youtube should launch this summer an app and website for games video only. I guess that the site will look like Twitch somehow: I mean, first the possibility to browse by games and maybe categories. This mean much better than Youtube right now for games. Myself I would have choose twitch over Youtube to stream for this reason, the browsing by games.
I'm not sure if Youtube and Twitch will keep up the paste with Steam. Because Steam too is an interesting platform to stream. In my case, I'll choose Google and Youtube if the new website make sense.
Edit: The photo:
So according the BBC, Youtube should launch this summer an app and website for games video only. I guess that the site will look like Twitch somehow: I mean, first the possibility to browse by games and maybe categories. This mean much better than Youtube right now for games. Myself I would have choose twitch over Youtube to stream for this reason, the browsing by games.
I'm not sure if Youtube and Twitch will keep up the paste with Steam. Because Steam too is an interesting platform to stream. In my case, I'll choose Google and Youtube if the new website make sense.
Edit: The photo:
mercredi 4 mars 2015
The point of this blog
I have not written in the past why I started to write this blog. Here we go.
This blog is a website that I use until I got friends or money to make a website that will more look like Nofrag than blogger. Maybe in web 3.0, tumblr like.
It will be translate in french also if I find the friends someday or if I get money.
The point is to make news about good future product and other news related to good product. It's important to understand, GOOD PRODUCT.
This blog is a website that I use until I got friends or money to make a website that will more look like Nofrag than blogger. Maybe in web 3.0, tumblr like.
It will be translate in french also if I find the friends someday or if I get money.
The point is to make news about good future product and other news related to good product. It's important to understand, GOOD PRODUCT.
Wolfenstein: The Old Blood
Wolfenstein: The new order will get an expansion or a dlc or not sure how it's call today. It will be a standalone as IGN stated and it will be release on may 5 if I have understand well this video in English.
Bethesda Reveals Wolfenstein: The Old Blood - IGN News
Not sure how long this expansion will last but I guess it won't be as long as The new order, 10 hours for me, because it's an expansion.
See the video for more info and gameplay footage.
Here the gameplay trailer:
Official Gameplay Trailer #1
Bethesda Reveals Wolfenstein: The Old Blood - IGN News
Not sure how long this expansion will last but I guess it won't be as long as The new order, 10 hours for me, because it's an expansion.
See the video for more info and gameplay footage.
Here the gameplay trailer:
Official Gameplay Trailer #1
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